APO REEF CLUB Philippines

APO REEF CLUB Philippines

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Apo Reef Club Mindoro Philippines


Boat and Trip Explanation

Diving :: OUR BOAT

Apo Reef Club offers a fun and exciting experience for divers headed for Apo Reef, about three hours away by boat.

While no commercial luxury live-aboards head out to the site today, we bring guests on a fun adventure on a 72-foot outrigger boat or banca, the Philippines' favorite and virtually unsinkable dive boat.

This one, however, is equipped with a full-service toilet and shower, a large dive area, a dining area and kitchen, and a top deck where you sleep on comfortable mattresses under a safe canopy, surrounded by the ocean and a clear sky full of stars. An efficient and well-trained staff takes care of the simple, hearty meals as well as maintaining the dive gear.

From the banca, which is easier to maneuver, dive sites are very accessible; we can even stop for a swim and snorkel when you want!
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